North Korea ‘fully supports’ Russia on Ukraine – Kim tells Putin

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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to Pyongyang, North Korea, marks a significant diplomatic event, with both Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reaffirming their alliance amidst global scrutiny. Putin arrived early Wednesday morning, marking his return to Pyongyang exactly 24 years after his last visit.

During this visit, Kim Jong Un expressed full support for Russia’s actions in Ukraine, aligning North Korea with Russia against what they perceive as the dominance of the United States and its allies. Putin, in turn, thanked Kim for his unwavering backing on the Ukraine issue, highlighting the strength of their diplomatic and strategic ties.

The visit culminated in the signing of a new agreement between Russia and North Korea, described as a substantial upgrade to their previous agreements dating back to 1961, 2000, and 2001. The details of this new strategic alliance were not fully disclosed, but both leaders emphasized its importance in shaping their relations for years to come.

Kim Jong Un’s statements during Putin’s visit underscored North Korea’s solidarity with Russia, particularly in defending its sovereignty, safety, and territorial stability amid international crises. This visit and the ensuing agreements signify a renewed commitment between Russia and North Korea, aimed at bolstering their mutual interests and strategic cooperation on the global stage.

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