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Actress Anita Joseph has shared her views on the recent trend of women seeking their spouses’ approval before going out.

In response to media personality Sandra Ezekwesili’s statement that husbands have no right to dictate their wives’ movements, Anita Joseph revealed that her husband has every right to do so. She stated that if her husband asks her to stay home, she will comply, lamenting that social media is promoting a lot of nonsense.

Additionally, it was recently reported that Anita Joseph had an emotional moment after a mishap in Hollywood. The actress shared a video of herself leading a service at a fellowship, admitting she hadn’t been herself lately. However, she felt encouraged by the Holy Spirit to preach.

In March 2024, Anita praised her marriage on Instagram, sharing a picture of herself and her husband. She mentioned that marriage is sweet because one can receive affection whenever and however they like. Although she didn’t specify, many inferred she was referring to sexual activities. She also highlighted that it’s been four years with her husband and declared her lifelong commitment to him.

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