For Singles Only: 5 top signs you are ready for marriage

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Doesn’t matter if you are in your twenties, thirties, forties or fifties and still single, you’ll find that one person who’ll make you want to sacrifice your single status and spend the rest of your life with them.

You may think you are not ready, but when certain circumstances arise, you may have to make a decision that involves choosing between your single status and the one you love.

Compiled by Huffington Post, here are a few signs that you have met ‘the one’ and are ready for marriage:

1. Having kids with this person isn’t terrifying to you.
2. You are comfortable with doing pretty much everything around them and wouldn’t think twice about your actions.
3. You don’t hate doing domestic work for and with the one you love no matter it is.
4. You don’t see yourself single anymore, you’ve practically waved everything you did as a single man or woman goodbye.
5. You love them more than everyone or anyone you’ve met.
6. You trust them with your deepest secrets.

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