Davido has set social media abuzz with excitement after footage surfaced of him teasing an unreleased single while enjoying a night out at the club. In the video, the Nigerian superstar can be seen singing and dancing along to the upbeat track, which features heavy Amapiano log drums and Davido’s trademark punchy lines. While the title of the song remains a mystery, fans are eagerly anticipating its release and speculating whether it will be a solo Davido track or another collaboration from the Grammy nominee.
Davido’s momentum in 2024 has been impressive, starting with his guest appearance on Kizz Daniel’s ‘Twe Twe’ remix. He also featured on the track ‘Hmm’ from the deluxe version of Chris Brown’s album ’11:11′ and more recently collaborated with Nigerian music star Minz on ‘WAP.’
Having concluded the ‘Timeless’ era with the release of the music video for his hit single ‘Kante’ featuring Fave, Davido has hinted at the imminent release of his next album, which he confirms is ready. Amidst various headlines throughout the year, including the controversy surrounding the launch of his meme coin $Davido, fans are eagerly anticipating a summer hit from the superstar.