All narcissists have these 6 habits in common — stay away from them

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All narcissists have these 6 habits in common — stay away from them.

The narcissist seems to be a very charming person, but his real face is not so pleasant at all.


The narcissistic personality is more than just simple selfishness and self-absorption.

It is a type of disorder that makes it difficult, and often even impossible, to function normally and build healthy relationships with other people.

The narcissist seems to be a very charming person, but his real face is not so pleasant at all.

Personal charm, communication skills, sense of humour, charisma and many talents – it sounds like an ideal or… a narcissistic personality.

Such people are very good at disguising themselves and are masters of creating appearances. They carefully hide their other, dark face. Of course, for a while. The truth usually comes to light when the victim has already become involved. Then the narcissist begins to destroy them.

The narcissistic personality is a complicated psychological portrait dominated by egoism and criticism. His charisma and charm are a magnet that attracts people. Gifted, successful, or at least appears to be so. He can manipulate and arouse interest. It is easy to fall into a narcissist’s trap, but getting out of this trap is very difficult and requires a lot of strength and self-denial.

People suffering from narcissistic personality disorder are characterised by a strong sense of superiority and specialness, as well as a strong need for recognition.

narcissist is a person who focuses mainly on himself, paying no attention to the feelings and needs of others.

Characteristic characteristics of narcissists include:

  1. Self-centeredness.
  2. Lack of empathy.
  3. The need for admiration.
  4. Belief in one’s own uniqueness.
  5. Feeling of having special rights.
  6. Lack of ability to self-criticise.

These are people who often manipulate others to achieve their goals, envy others, and at the same time often feel an inner emptiness.

There are two types of narcissism: grandiose and sensitive. A grandiose narcissist is a person who has a strong sense of self-confidence, considers himself unique, is arrogant and emotionally cold.

In turn, a sensitive narcissist is a person with low self-esteem, prone to anxiety and depressive symptoms. He is characterised by high sensitivity to criticism and a great tendency to compare himself to others.

Narcissistic personality disorder may co-occur with other personality disorders. It is a problem that affects not only the narcissist himself, but also his loved ones.

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