4 things your father may not tell you but are very real

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Fatherhood often comes with a unique way of expressing emotions, often through actions rather than words. Here are four things fathers may feel but may not always explicitly say:

### 1. Love
– **Signs of Love**: Fathers demonstrate love through sacrifices, such as working long hours to provide for the family, offering unwavering support in times of need, and consistently being present for important events in your life.

### 2. Pride
– **Signs of Pride**: Despite not always vocalizing it, fathers take immense pride in their children’s achievements. They may share your successes with others, encourage you to pursue your dreams, and silently express approval during moments of accomplishment.

### 3. Wishes for Well-being
– **Signs of Wishes**: Fathers deeply desire your well-being and success. They offer advice and guidance, support you through tough times, and invest in your future through educational and career opportunities.

### 4. Desire for Your Happiness
– **Signs of Concern for Happiness**: Fathers prioritize your happiness by engaging in small gestures that bring joy, respecting your choices even if they differ from their own, and genuinely celebrating your successes and joys in life.

While fathers may not always verbalize these feelings directly, their actions speak volumes about their deep affection and support. Recognizing these subtle signs can foster a deeper appreciation for the depth of a father’s emotions and the profound impact they have on their children’s lives.

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